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All our community of children have so much to be thanksful for

They have opportunities to go to school, food and medical care guaranteed to them,

and a big home with many brothers and sisters.

Most importantly, they have you and a lot of good people around the word that wish them the best and support them in many different ways.

It is so import to have someone, even if we do not know that person. It is the font of energy that adds value to our existence.

There is no doubt that everyone needs someone.

One of our sponsor once said with appreciation for our work , “These children are being seen.”

Yes, we are being seen and we are so thanksful for that.

The children also understand how lucky they are and they wanted to express their thankfulness by this song they wrote:

The distance is so far, not knowing who you are, who always cares never forget this place. 

Always send your love to us, it makes us feel safe and well, because you always look after me. 

Everything that you did, everything you sacrificed, to give me love to give me happiness. Giving me wonderful things so I can follow my hopes and my dreams. 

We want to say thank you, for that what you have done, and your kindness, your thoughtfulness, thank you.

Thank you for your love, through this song to feel our love. From all of our hearts thank you.

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