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The Unsung Hero

The unsung hero is the woman who steps into a child's life, not because she has to, but because she chooses to. She is the one who wipes away tears, offers words of encouragement, and stands by through every triumph and failure. Her love is pure, unconditional, and steadfast, profoundly shaping the child's life. She loves without expectation, nurtures without acknowledgment, and sacrifices without recognition.

In a world that often values biological ties above all, the unsung hero reminds us that love is the true essence of motherhood. It’s not about blood, but about the bond that forms when someone chooses to love, care for, and nurture a child as their own. This kind of motherhood is a gift, and the impact of such a bond lasts a lifetime.

At Baan Unrak, we see this every day. The women who care for our children do so with a love that is pure and selfless. They are not the children’s biological mothers, but they have embraced these children as their own. They provide a sense of security, comfort, and belonging, helping heal the wounds life has inflicted upon these young hearts.

On Mother’s Day in Thailand, Baan Unrak holds a special celebration to honor these extraordinary women each year. This event is a tribute to their tireless dedication and the love they have showered upon the children. These women hope for nothing more than to see the children grow into good individuals, cared for by a society that is as kind to them as they have been.

We grew up as children at the Baan Unrak Foundation, and now we are staff members working at this very home. On this Mother's Day, we want to share the story of the mothers who are heroes to all the children. These mothers have cared for and supported us. We dedicate this article to the women who have selflessly devoted themselves and have been the driving force behind the success of every child, even though they are not related to us by blood.

Some caregivers have been with Baan Unrak since its inception, dedicating years to helping and nurturing the children. They are the foundation of our home, the silent supporters who have made countless sacrifices to ensure that the children under their care have the opportunity to thrive.

“They are calm, generous, selfless, highly dedicated, patient, non-judgmental, and love and care for us as if we were their own children or grandchildren.” – Ayati

“I have no problem with having another mother to take care of me, especially since my biological mother couldn't care for me in the same way. It's only this mother who listens, understands, and is ready to support me as I move forward. I’ve grown to love her deeply because of the immense dedication she has shown to me. I sometimes think I wouldn’t have made it this far without her. It’s a complicated relationship, but also a very fulfilling one, so much so that I now want to take care of her in return, because she has guided me to the shores of success.” – Kushuma

“In this home, the love and care from all the mothers—whether biological, caregivers or those who have been given opportunities in life—are filled with warmth and unconditional compassion. Each mother loves and cares for the children as if they were her own, paying attention to every detail to ensure children receive complete love and warmth. The role of every mother in this house is deeply respected and admired, as they have given true and unwavering love to all the children. A good mother can nurture a child to grow into a good person.” – Tang Mo

“I am grateful for always being cared for and looked after, for the love and warmth you have given me. Thank you for supporting me through every stage of my life. I feel incredibly lucky, as do the other children, to have met Didi and all the mothers. I am truly thankful to Baan Unrak from the bottom of my heart.” – Soso

These women may not seek recognition, but their influence is deeply felt. They represent the true spirit of motherhood, defined not by blood but by the love and dedication they pour into the lives of the children.

Their contributions are woven into the very fabric of Baan Unrak, leaving a lasting impact on every child they have cared for. Their legacy is one of quiet strength, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to shaping a brighter future for the next generation.

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